Can you eat Padang rice while on a diet?

Nasi Padang is known as a dish that tends to be fatty and of course high in calories. In one pack of Padang rice there are usually more than 500-700 calories, even though the average requirement for a healthy adult male is 2500 calories, and for women 2000 calories per day (AKG, 2020). It's not surprising that diet warriors usually avoid this delicious menu. In fact, you can eat Padang rice even if you are on a diet, want to know how? Come on, follow the tips for eating Padang rice which is safe for a diet, namely a calorie deficit and more nutritious!

1. Portion of Rice

Just ½ portion or ±150 grams so that the weight loss process is maximized due to carbohydrate restrictions

2. Choose Side Dishes

Choose low-calorie side dishes, even though it's a bit difficult. But there are several side dish options such as beef jerky, grilled chicken, pop chicken, or grilled fish. For processed eggs, it is advisable to choose balado eggs over barendo/omelet eggs, because they absorb a lot of oil so they are high in calories.

3. Increase vegetables

Usually the vegetable that is often found in Padang dishes is jackfruit curry, but because I'm on a diet, I ask not to include the sauce. Because the use of coconut milk in jackfruit curry causes high calories and fat and cholesterol. Wow, this is dangerous. However, there is a savior vegetable, namely boiled cassava leaves, because it contains fiber so it is good for helping fat absorption and giving a feeling of fullness, especially when added with cucumber salad. For this vegetable, you can ask for more, because it has very few calories.

4. Reduce the Gravy

Eating Padang rice is incomplete if you don't use the various sauces served. This variety of sauce is one of the keys to enjoying Nasi Padang. But because you are on a diet, you should reduce your soup intake. Just add 1 tablespoon of rendang spices and 1 tablespoon of curry sauce. Make sure this measurement really follows the size of a tablespoon, not a vegetable spoon. And try to make just a little chili sauce, because processing it uses quite a lot of oil.

In fact, Padang cuisine also contains other nutrients which are quite high, such as vitamin C and carotene which are found in many spices such as chilies, turmeric, etc.

It turns out that eating Nasi Padang doesn't interfere with your diet program as long as you follow the tips

Below can be used as a menu option for Padang rice with its calorie values... Please choose to eat Padang rice with what side dishes? but pay attention to the calorific value...

White rice 150 gr

Jackfruit Curry 30 gr

Cassava leaves 70 gr

Side dishes

Calorie Value

Rendang E = 431 kcal

Support E = 447 kcal

Jerky E = 537 kcal

Fried Mackerel E = 483 kcal

Omelet E =  719  kcal

And don't forget to drink warm water or warm plain tea after eating which is always given free when you go to Padang restaurants......


Author: Meidersayenti, S.Gz.RD


Reference: Yenni Mustika Sari /read-2020/11/19/5260289/tips-makan-nasi-padang-buat-kamuyang-lagi-diet-gampang-dicontek

This article was published on “All this time we were wrong, this is the technique for eating Padang rice to make your body healthier, technique-of-eating-padang-rice-to-be-healthier-for-the-body?page=3

https://lifestyle.kompas.editor.Wisnubrata com/read/2022/11/16/103604020/berapa-nomor-kalori-satu-porsi-nasi-padang?page=all

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