About Us

Dr. Mental Hospital H. Marzoeki Mahdi (RSJMM) Bogor is a type A mental hospital which is a reference for mental health and drug services located on Jalan dr. Sumeru No. 114 Bogor City. RSJMM has a land area of 56 hectares and a building area of 79,238 m2. RSJMM has a total of 590 beds and is supported by 944 employees as of May 2020 consisting of 64 medical personnel, 415 nursing personnel, 66 other health personnel and 310 non-medical personnel. RSJMM as a referral hospital has a wide coverage area covering Bogor and West Java Province. Its implementation as a Public Service Agency (BLU) hospital has an important role as one of the spearheads in the development of public health, having duties and responsibilities to improve services to the community in order to advance general welfare and make the nation's life smarter with flexibility in financial management based on economic principles, productivity, and implementation of healthy business practices. To realize these goals, the hospital refers to the principles of accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.

Apart from having comprehensive psychiatric services, RSJMM also has non-psychiatric services such as Internal Medicine Polyclinic, Heart Polyclinic, Gynecology Polyclinic, Children's Polyclinic, Pulmonary Polyclinic, General Surgery Polyclinic, ENT Polyclinic, Nerve/Neurology Polyclinic, Dental and Oral Polyclinic, Physiotherapy, and Anesthesia .

In 2019, RSJMM again received the title of KARS International Accreditation. Apart from accreditation, in an effort to support Bureaucratic Reform at Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor is currently starting to concentrate and make efforts to achieve the title of Corruption Free Area/Clean Bureaucratic Area serving (WBK/WBBM). In 2021, RSJMM has been appointed by the Ministry of Health as the National Mental Health Center.