Hypertension? Is it because of the coffee?

Coffee is one of the favorite beverages enjoyed by all groups of people, with some believing that it should be consumed every day. However, on the other hand, coffee is often associated with risk factors such as coronary heart disease, increased blood pressure, and blood cholesterol levels, due to its content of polyphenols, potassium, and caffeine. Caffeine can also be considered a cause of various diseases, especially hypertension. The environment is one factor that can influence someone to have a habit of consuming coffee; when others are drinking coffee, indirectly, we tend to follow suit. Hill Ansley, in 2018, stated that regular coffee consumption is not related to the impact on blood pressure, which is due to the development of caffeine tolerance when someone is accustomed to drinking coffee. An increase in blood pressure can occur after drinking a cup of coffee, especially if it's consumed infrequently. Thus, if someone is accustomed to consuming coffee over time, the body becomes tolerant to the stimulant effects of caffeine in coffee, thus not causing an increase in blood pressure.

Coffee has many benefits for our bodies. Among these benefits is its antioxidant properties; the antioxidant content in coffee is higher compared to tea and chocolate. Additionally, coffee can stimulate our brain function and cancer cells (Farida, 2013). For coffee enthusiasts, caffeine can make the body feel more refreshed and warm. Coffee itself does not have significant nutritional value for the body unless cream or milk is added to it. These benefits are utilized to optimize various activities, provide beverage variety, and prevent prostate cancer. Caffeine is also routinely given to premature babies to suppress breathing disturbances (apnea). Caffeine can enhance the effectiveness of aspirin and other pain relievers. The distinctive taste and aroma of coffee beans serve another function: stimulating the nervous system, thereby improving mood and concentration. However, aside from its advantages, coffee also has drawbacks, namely its high caffeine and organic acid content. The caffeine content in coffee beans varies depending on the type of coffee and geographic conditions. Excessive caffeine and acid content can have negative effects on health. For individuals with sensitive stomachs, coffee can cause stomach pain.

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls of arteries within the body. Hypertension is the precursor to diseases such as heart attacks, kidney failure, and stroke. Hypertension means that the blood pressure within the arteries becomes elevated (Yekti and Ari, 2011). High blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined as continuously elevated abnormal blood pressure in the arteries over more than one period. Hypertension is also defined as systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg occurring in individuals on three separate occasions (Udjianti, 2011). Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is increasing in the midst of society each year. Factors causing hypertension include ethnicity, hormonal contraceptive use, smoking, Narcotics (Narcotics, psychotropic drugs, and addictive substances), alcohol, caffeine, lifestyle changes, chronic degenerative diseases, and aging (Udjianti, 2011). Regarding the risk of blood pressure, both men and women have the same likelihood of developing hypertension, but women are at higher risk of developing hypertension at age 65 (Susilowati, Wahyuni, 2018). The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 1.13 billion people worldwide have hypertension. This means that 1 in 3 people in the world is diagnosed with hypertension, with only 36.8% of them taking medication. The number of people with hypertension worldwide continues to increase each year, with an estimated 1.5 billion people expected to have hypertension by 2025. It is also estimated that every year, 9.4 million people die from hypertension and its complications (Ministry of Health, 2018).

The influence of coffee on the occurrence of high blood pressure is still controversial. Coffee affects blood pressure because it contains polyphenols, potassium, and caffeine (Palmer, 2007). Hypertension can be caused by consuming foods high in fat. Since these foods are popular, it's no wonder that hypertension is common among many people. Alcohol, smoking, and drinking coffee can affect the constriction of blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure (James, 2018). Fast food and other foods can trigger high blood pressure. Coffee is a beverage ingredient that contains a lot of caffeine. Some benefits of caffeine in coffee include weight loss, improved sports performance, prevention of brain function decline, good antioxidant properties, and effective stress relief. However, there are also negative effects of caffeine, such as being harmful to fetuses and babies, reducing fertility, causing anxiety, insomnia, and cardiovascular disorders including increased blood pressure (Healthy Doctor, 2018). Caffeine can stimulate the heart to work faster, thereby pumping more fluid per second. The habit of consuming coffee will impact an increase in blood pressure, as shown in the research by Difran & Yadis (2018). This indicates that blood pressure instability is not solely caused by the habit of drinking coffee.


Difran, Yanis, (2018). Hubungan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi kopi dengan tekanan darah pada dewasa muda. Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional: Surabaya.

Hill Ansley, (2018). How Does Coffee Affect Your Blood Pressure?: Health Line; https://www.mayoclinic.org/ Diakses: 26 Januari 2019

Yekti dan Ari, (2011). Cara Jitu Mengatasi Hipertensi. Yogyakarta: Andi

A. Farida, E. R. R, dan A. C. Kumoro, “Penurunan Kadar Kafein dan Asam Total Pada Biji Kopi Robusta Menggunakan Teknologi Fermentasi Anaerob Fakultatif Ddengan Mikroba Nopkor MZ-15,” J. Teknol. Kim. DAN Ind., vol. 2, no. 2, hlm. 70–75, 2013.

S. Widyotomo, “Kafein : Senyawa Penting Pada Biji Kopi,” vol. 23, no. 1, hlm. 7.

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