Good Work is Part of Worship

BOGOR - The Board of Directors, management and the entire hospital community of the National Mental Health Center Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital held an iftar together and tausiyah at the Al-Hidayah Mosque, Thursday (28/3/2024).

Main Director of PKJN RSMM Dr. Dr. Nova Riyanti Yusuf, Sp.KJ, in his speech said that from the information obtained, this was one of the fast breaking activities with the most employee attendance.

“Thank you to the ladies and gentlemen who came. In accordance with the theme of our tausiyah today, namely that achieving work is worship, we must remember that we work to save, to make healthy and help human safety. "Not even in the month of Ramadan, is it worth worshiping," said Dr. Nova.

Before breaking the fast together, the activity was filled with tausiyah delivered by Pipip Achmad Rifai Hasan, Ph.D who is a lecturer in philosophy and religion at Paramadina University.

In the tausiyah it is explained that indeed Allah loves servants who work seriously, so every work should be done with a happy and sincere heart, so that the work done can be converted into goodness and reward. (Rianto)

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